5 Ways to Win the e-Learning Race Against Time

There’s an ongoing race against time for e-Learning developers. Wouldn’t you like to win that race? You’re about to learn 5 strategies that can help you create courses quickly—and declare victory!

Try these 5 strategies to win the e-Learning race against time:

1. Narrow your focus.

Sometimes people want to use training to solve a whole group of problems, which could end up being a huge waste of time. If you receive a training request for a course that addresses a long list of issues, see if you can narrow the focus of that course. This will not only save you time, but it’ll also make the training course much more effective.

2. Look for non-training solutions.

You can often find non-training solutions to many of the problems. Cathy Moore suggests you “invite the client to a quick needs analysis discussion, which you’ll disguise as a meeting to ‘help me understand the problem.’” After most of the problems are resolved with non-training solutions, you’ll be able to create a more focused course that’s shorter and takes less time to design.

3. Use templates.

Templates save time because they eliminate the need to recreate layouts, interactions and games that you’ll use multiple times in your course (and future courses). Also, you can use templates for quick, consistent branding, which makes it easy for your team to create speedy courses. And if you buy Lectora® Inspire now, we’ll give you access to thousands of templates in the eLearning Brothers Template Library!

4. Make a style guide.

Style guides aren’t just for publishing and advertising. Make one for your e-Learning team to set guidelines for format of fonts, images and other design elements. With a style guide, time-consuming decision-making will only happen once, so the next time your team can skip the style choices and get started creating the course.

5. Skip the clutter.

Adding excessive images and other clutter is a waste of time—for you and your learners. Be selective with the images you include in your course, and know when to stop adding images. If you only choose the best images that support your content, you’ll save a lot of valuable development time.

Use these 5 tips, and head for the finish line! Congratulations, you’re an e-Learning champ.

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