Notable Quotes for Social Learning in the Workplace

As an e-Learning professional, you’ve probably heard the term “social learning” more than once. Although this term is relatively new, the practice of social learning is not. Social learning is something we have all been doing for a long time, and it is something we practice on a regular basis. We learn socially when we join group brainstorming sessions, work collaboratively on projects and even when we bounce ideas around or have simple conversations with our co-workers. Even so, the rapid development of new e-Learning technologies is opening up new possibilities for social learning in the workplace. With the introduction of new technologies, we have the opportunity to examine our current social learning strategies and implement new learning solutions that fully embrace these technologies, improving employee communication and collaboration.In a recent C4LPT blog, Key social learning resources: part 12 #sociallearning, Jane Hart features a series of notable quotes that recognize the re-definition of social learning and suggest strategies for integrating collaborative learning into the workplace – both with and without the use of new e-Learning technologies. Today’s blog highlights our three favorite featured quotes from Hart:1. “Social learning” as we know is not something that happens just when social media is involved, we learn socially all the time in pretty much everything we do. What we actually need to do is to support natural social learning better in the workplace.” – Inventing the Collaborative Workspace, Adam Richardson, Harvard Business Review.Hart acknowledges that social learning is an activity we as human beings naturally partake in. It is important for e-Learning professionals to examine current learning environments in the workplace and find ways to improve employee collaboration, whether technology is integrated into social learning or not. New and improved social learning environments should recognize employees’ natural social learning tendencies, and should address those tendencies while directly meeting employee needs.2. “New tools have given training practitioners limitless new ways to engage with and support our learners. Anecdotal reports indicate interest from trainers as well as some trepidation about how to include the new tools and approaches.” – Social Media for Social Learning Start Guide, Jane Bozarth, Inside Learning Technologies.In an e-Learning context, learners need tools that allow them to socially and collaboratively connect with one another when navigating through courses and training. One option is Lectora Online, an online e-Learning authoring tool that allows developers to access and edit Lectora courses and training from any computer with Internet access. Lectora Online includes a feature that enables learners to stream YouTube videos straight from Lectora Online e-Learning courses. As learners watch and discuss YouTube videos, they can ask questions and give feedback in real time, providing a truly-collaborative social learning environment.3. “Our fifth annual survey on the way organizations use social tools and technologies finds that they continue to seep into many organizations, transforming business processes and raising performance.” – How Social Learning Technologies are Expanding the Enterprise, McKinsey Quarterly.This quote speaks for itself. Integrating an e-Learning tool, such as Lectora Online, into the workplace can positively affect business and lead to better employee performance. When employees as able to work and collaborate more efficiently, their performance will improve. With new e-Learning technologies readily available, it is advantageous for businesses to examine these new technologies and find a way to incorporate them into their business environments.To learn more about Lectora Online and to download a free trial, please visit: Lectora Online.For more social learning resources, please visit: Social Learning.