Enabling dynamic text for a text block

When you enable dynamic text, you can update specific text of an HTML-published title without republishing. The text blocks that you designate as dynamic text are copied to an associated XML file when the title is initially published. The XML file is named dyntitle.xml. When the published title is displayed in a browser, text within the title is substituted with text found within dyntitle.xml.

When text is designated as dynamic text, the contents of the text block is associated with the text block name within the XML file. Therefore all text blocks identified as dynamic text must have unique names.

Selecting the Dynamic Title title property enables the Dynamic Text property when configuring text blocks within your title. For details about specifying the Dynamic Title property, see Designating a title as a dynamic title.

To enable dynamic text for a text block:

  1. Double-click the text block graphic of the text block in the Title Explorer. Alternatively, you can right-click the graphic and select Properties or right-click on the text block in the work-area and select Properties. The Properties ribbon is displayed.

  2. Enable the Dynamic Text check box in the Web Options group.

  3. Name the text block with a unique name. For details about naming a text block, see Changing the name of a text block.

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